Do you have a link or source for that publication? As I see it, the problem is that the definition of "engaged in the business" has been rather fluid, depending upon the current political climate. During the anti-gun Democrat Clinton administration, they had a problem with low volume FFL's, and drove over 200,000 out of business. Just a few short months ago, the anti-gun Democrat Barack Obama was making moves to force private sellers of as few as two guns to either become FFL's or to utilize an FFL to make those few sales. He made those statements right after the San Bernardino Muslim Terrorist attack... once again blaming law abiding U.S. gun owners for the actions of radical Islamists.

I keep repeating that simple point about the varying definition of "engaged in the business" because it does not seem to be registering.

I was hoping Ed Good would weigh in since he appears to still have an FFL without a brick and mortar shop, or regular business hours. He apparently knows some things a lot of us don't know.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.