Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: James M

I can't say I remember the FFL as being universal for sure but I am sure of something else. Regulations which at the time may appear innocuous can be twisted and used against you just as FFL licensing is used against occasional firearms sellers today. Those "regulations" in that letter which some want to believe only apply to those working on military firearms can be re-interpreted to mean something quite different in an instant. You can believe me and Trump for that matter that if H. Clinton get elected EVERY effort to reduce and eventually eliminate the private ownership of firearms will be put in place as quickly as possible.

Quoted for accuracy.

There are literally dozens of smart, un-elected people poring over those regulations, trying to figure out how to bend them to do their will....eliminate private gun ownership.

To think otherwise is to both misunderstand the antis and to misunderstand your political system.

Ayn Rand said: “The hallmark of authoritarian systems is the creation of innumerable, indecipherable laws. Such systems make everyone an un-indicted felon and allow for the exercise of arbitrary government power via selective prosecution.”

Hillary For Prison 2018