My cost is lower than most because I am using up the last super cheap shot I have. Bought more than 15 years ago, at 12.00 a bag. So with cheap shot it comes down to $2.66 a box. In the real world, with current shot prices it comes down to $3.60, when you buy stuff in volume or at wholesale prices.

The 28, .410, hunting and specialty loads are where the biggest savings are in reloading. 12 and 20 basic factory clay target loads are too cheap to reload and save much money. The ability to load low pressure loads makes loading of all gauges a good value. I like to load shells, which if factory, would run in the 10-11 plus dollars a box range. Most of the time you can save just under half that by reloading.

But there is always a down side. Loaders have to be bought and maintained, a diverse selection of powders, wads, primers and hulls all need to be maintained. I think last count I had 20 different powders and about the same number different of wads. You can tie up several thousands in stuff, just to save a few bucks a box. So you need a long term, high use type of reloading habit.

I have MEC 9000h's in 12-16-20-28 & .410's. All but one bought second hand on EBay to save about 50% of the normal cost, but still a lot of money tied up. With them I can load just about anything I want to load, in large volumes and quickly. I like shooting, not loading so much. So it only pays in volume loading or as a way to keep your old favorite gun going.

Another thing to think of is that you can adjust most machines to load shells not commonly available over the counter, at most gun shops. I load 2 3/4", 2 1/2" shells, 16's, low pressure loads in 12, 16 and 20 gauge. I can load lead, steel or bismuth shot, anything from 5/8 ounce up to flinch inducing loads of my youth. OK, I don't shoot anything much over 1 1/4 ounce anymore but I could if I needed it. And everything is much cheaper than factory. Plus hulls are cheap, free in most cases, and just last forever until you need them. I have Federal Papers from 25 years ago which I am just now getting around to using. All were free once fired. I have more empties than I will ever use up and still will take more if they are free and once fired. You just never know what you will need someday.