Originally Posted By: Kyrie
Of academic value only at this point in time, but sometimes trivia is interesting in and of itself.

Originally Posted By: Irrational

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I've often wondered what the total annual production is these days for new artisan made guns and how that maps to demand
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For the Spanish artisanal gun makers (like the late Ugartechea) production and demand has a one-to-one relationship. The Spanish artisanal shotgun maker doesnt begin work on a gun without an order and a deposit.

I'm not entirely sure I agree: there are new Spanish guns available off the shelf in London and the sale of stock guns was linked to in the original post. Being pedantic, yes there's an order on the factory, but a speculative one from a dealer rather than firm from an end customer.

The point I was driving at though was more one around interest in just how many guns are now made each year by small producers (we can't be talking big numbers but curious if anyone knows just how low production has now fallen).

Last edited by Irrational; 08/20/16 09:29 AM.