Indeed, it would be interesting, Kyrie!

For the very reason you mention, the artisan guns available in London always intrigue me. Are people really that impulsive/impatient that they're not willing to wait? I doubt anyone buying such a weapon doesn't have others at their disposal...

Interesting that the production figures are so low in Spain, I'd heard of the tax issue but hadn't realised they'd been hit so hard by it. To add an international dimension, I understand that Purdey's production runs at around 75 shotguns pa and the likes of Piotti are able to run at a rate of around 50 pa.

Unless there are lots of manufacturers out there that fly well below the radar I wonder if global production of sidelocks even makes it into the multiple thousands these days?

It's a shame that so few are willing, or able, to pay for craftsmanship. Sadly not a state of affairs unique to fine guns...