There is no presumption of guilt except in your mind. I see nothing wrong with what the MD game warden did, he didn't violate any of your rights by looking at what was in plain view in your boat. Same with a traffic stop; nothing wrong with the cop looking inside your car at what's in plain view.

You were presumed innocent, which is why he didn't toss your boat. Had he seen anything untoward, then the presumption of wrong doing begins.

See nothing wrong with obeying game laws and enforcing these laws. If you're going to hunt, you need to be familiar with the laws...same with speeding or violating traffic laws. Nor do I see a LEO seeking approval for enforcing laws and regulations. I was a LEO for 33 years and never asked permission to enforce laws.

Last edited by Genelang; 09/10/16 02:16 PM.