I have been hunting over five decades. Times have changed and Game Wardens with them. When I lived in MD I was checked over a hundred times with three citations, no convictions. To be fair only one was BS and the others were marginal. It got so bad that I changed counties I hunted in for most of one season. It gets old being checked two or three times a day while hunting. I have no personal problems with Wardens or searches these days. Like every other group there are great guys and AHoles in every group.

In fact I hunted with a game warden for five years until he was forced to stop hunting. A single violation would have cost him his job and at least one person who he had arrested did in fact bait fields we hunted. They even called in the Federal wardens on us once. We had found the bait and he was posting the filed for bait when they drove up. It was funny to watch the turf war between the state and federal guys.

Since I moved to the mid west I have been checked perhaps three times total. Still no citations and no convictions. My son a I were Checked in Ohio Dove hunting and it took two minutes flat with zero issues. I did explain to my son that being totally legal makes any contact with a Police officer or Game Warden a cake walk.