Easy on the nonsense, craig. There's nothing indecorous about asking questions. All questions deserve a reasoned answer if they're not seen as mean or mischievous.

The principal proponent here of gun control as the No. 1 national issue is keith. He says all who vote Democrat are anti-gun, as if there could be no other reason for half the population to vote the way it does.

Jim is passionate in his professed hatred of all liberals although I've never taken him seriously as advocating national ruin and disloyalty of his fellow citizens if they didn't think the way he does. (See "professed" in a good dictionary.)

It's less easy to discern the dimensions of their supporters here because of their fulminating and limited vocabulary. Nationally, it's a debate of legitimate concerns between those who see a Wild West and those who want less onerous regulations or keep things as they are.

You know all that, craig.