please google up foreigner with no say and no clue !
And quit you condescending liberal posts, NO ONE is buying what your selling
"A poll conducted by Investors Business Daily on January 4-7 asked if stricter gun control would hinder self-defense, protecting family or reduce crime/keep guns out of criminals hands? Only 42 percent of those surveyed responded that stricter controls would stop criminals from acquiring guns. Moreover, the poll found that more members of the public believe an increase in gun ownership would lead to an increase in safety rather than an increase in crime. The poll also found that the vast majority of Americans agree that the Second Amendment will always be a relevant and necessary safeguard against tyranny, including 52 percent of Democrats.

your living in another country and have NO say at all in American gun rights,yet you continue to spout off LIE after LIE to promote your,failing like hillarys health,new world order.
lying crooked King

Gun Ownership on the rise !

As gun sales SOAR Crimes Plummet !

Last edited by Dave K; 09/12/16 07:45 PM.

Hillary For Prison 2018