I didn't ask you to answer me personally King. Actually, you know that I have said that I have no desire to debate with a pathological liar.

I did challenge you to use the QUOTE function to show everyone here that I said what you claimed I said.

You accuse me of twisting, but once again, it is you who is doing the twisting. You had two days to prove your assertions, and couldn't do it. No surprise there. Like Hillary, or "Illary", you seem to think that endlessly repeating a lie will make it become true.

Let's also get the facts straight on your dishonest claims of why you stopped answering me directly, and instead chose the feminine path of pretending to ignore me and answering me only through comments to others.

You at first claimed I put words in your mouth in one of my responses to you in Misfires. But I had QUOTED you verbatim using the same QUOTE function that you refuse to use to prove what you said about me.

When that dishonest dog wouldn't hunt, you then claimed I had "dishonoured" your father. Again, I challenged you to show us where I did something that low. You couldn't because I didn't. All of my comments about your WWII pilot and POW father were in admiration of him and his service, and I still can't imagine how you, the rotten apple, fell so far from the tree.

Around the same time that you lied and accused me of "dishonouring" your father, you also piously preached that I and others should forgive your cowardly Liberal Left friend nca225 after he posted filthy comments about my daughters.

You sir, are in my opinion, a fraud of the highest order. I do understand those who engage you and actually think they can reason with you. But after they have busted you in so many lies and corrected you so many times on the misinformation you give, I have to wonder when they will join me, Dave, Jim, and others who simply understand that you are nothing but an anti-2nd Amendment troll who will never be dissuaded from preaching your Liberal Left anti-gun gospel as you pretend to be one of us. Craigd may play with you, but he also has your number:

Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: King Brown
....He promised a day or so ago he was holding back some juicy quotes to prove I'm anti-gun, a common ploy of persons on the margins looking for attention....

Proof? Apparently, the only legal evidence that you're pro gun is that you used to dive in frigid storm driven waters for lost guns. Note the past tense. Seems your position has evolved, ergo, now you're anti gun.

I have QUOTED literally dozens of your anti-gun statements. Pro-gun guys do not support anti-gun politicians. They do not ever say things like the following. I don't ever need to put words in your mouth when I have the real thing:

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Gun control doesn't work? I believe gun control works reasonably generally in Canada, providing a less violent society compared to some others, in good part because of our different culture.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Democracies make choices. Americans accept mass murder to defend an individual right to bear arms in the name of personal freedom.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Pew Research has a good reputation, Jim. It's a source in the link Ed posted. Crime is declining in Canada, too, although our tougher-on-crime federal government can't build jails and penitentiaries fast enough.

Misfires seems near unanimous that there's no correlation between the number of guns and surpassing US gun violence, and that more guns lowers a homicide rate experienced nowhere else in the developed world.

I believe there is a connection---as most liberals do--- and that those conservative and liberal countries with exceedingly lower rates are a result of their democratically chosen, more-onerous, freedom-restricting regulations, common-sense or not.

I commented earlier on the cultural differences between the US and other countries in this respect, including how differently the US and Canada developed. Why do Americans dismiss the graphs and statistics?

Originally Posted By: King Brown
The roots I'm comfortable with are the radical---"to get to the root of"---and that's Jesus's teaching. The shame is how far the Christian community has drifted from it. We act irrationally from fear when the Christian message is to fear not, even death itself.We call ourselves Christian nations and stockpile ammunition, need concealed carry to protect ourselves and a regulated militia without regulations to protect us from our own governments, abandoning Jesus's teaching to defend it.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Dimensions of character---and culpability---are implied in the words we use.

Demonize me all you want you dishonest old fraud. Your own words betray you.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.