James, it's responsible to the board and myself when a member calls me a liar to politely suggest they go to distinguished sources of reliable information of what Americans are thinking and find out for themselves.

It's Gallup and Pew findings of what citizens are thinking that our governors, industries and institutions use in making policy and mandates, right or wrongly, justified or otherwise. They're snapshots of trends at a particular time.

Reporting what Gallup and Pew say about issues of interest to the board isn't out of our wheelhouses. Your post of few days ago on CTV's poll of what Canadians currently think of their gun laws is germane to member interests.

For Americans to cite Canadian sources, statistics and trends on firearms--- or anything, as they are welcomed to do---to support a fact or an opinion is what reasonable people do. They're not telling us what we're thinking.

That's the role of Gallup and Pew.