Shot a limit of doves yesterday afternoon with a Model 23 Heavy Duck. Giving the gun its first workout on live game before it heads to Manitoba in a couple of weeks.

The mod / imp. mod choking on the 23 did ok. I am torn between just leaving as it is, having the chokes opened to ic / mod, or having it tubed. Frankly, I am not sold on the utility of having more choke choices on gun that will be used mostly as traveling duck gun.

I have used a Model 21 on my prior shoots. They have all been limit shoots, but not barn burners. 9" of rain 2 days before opening day did not help and having a neighbor cutting corn and digging peanuts disbursed the birds a little. It has been good so far. I have enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting a couple of new ones.

Did see an interesting L. C. Smith yesterday. Pretty gun. Unfortunately, the owner was having issues with the gun doubling. Had a single selective trigger that will need some professional care.