You are a lucky guy. I'm heading to Indiana this coming week-end-- 24th/25th. Warm clear bluebirdy weather has made our early bonus seasons on Canada geese and teal (for the first 7 days of Sept.)a bust- so down to the home state of: Hoagy Carmichael, Cole Porter and Herb Shriner and David Letterman for a few days at the "coo-coo mourners"- thanks to a USMC pal who lives near Peru, we have 3 farms to hunt- whether there will be any shootable numbers of doves, we shall see. Taking my Fox Sterlingworth 20 gauge- 28" m&f, DT, Ej- made by Savage in Utica in 1934- have shot some barn pigeons with it, but this will be its first "baptism" on doves since I bought it 6 years ago. Michigan will get a legal dove season when Hillary does a "Lewinski" on Donald Trump in Times Square ay high noon.

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..