Originally Posted By: Ted Schefelbein
That presumes anyone who is making the law has any of your interests at heart when they write it. That is seldom the case, since, the law isn't about you, it is about controlling you, which, is a near orgasmic thrill for some people out there.

Unfortunately the actual motivation is nothing more than getting re-elected. Generally the most effective way is pandering to that misguided/misinformed/and usually semi-stupid base. People proper mean nothing since that is a malleable mass. Works in a general election as well as we now see with the incredibly stupid Trump base, responding to arm waving and high volume yapping about unrealizable generalities and totally devoid of any realistic connection to the current reality that the rest of the world seems to be experiencing.

The sad truth is that the getting re-elected hinges on nothing more than a pragmatic what works and as soon as it is politically expedient gun owners will finds themselves friendless and alone - and likely gunless. Just recall that not long ago the cons controlled WH and Congress and how much good came in your direction then. The NRA has been nobody's' friend except themselves (new buildings, pay raises, etc) for decades and has done nothing to promote some rational approach to opposing the anti's. But they have managed to promote the nutcase-with-a-gun image in so effective a way that I have to wonder who they really represent.

I may not live to see that but it is well on the way now.

have another day

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