Here you go Dave... to refresh your faulty memory of this once great forum. First up is a link to people confronting King back in 2007 about his assertions that the 2nd Amendment does not confer and Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms:

Then there's this 2008 link to one of the many threads launching a personal attack entitled "Beware of James Legg. Danger"

And here's a link to a thread started by Jim that quotes Dave Weber posting his absolute disgust with the "commie libtards" that run the state of New York.

EDIT: Clapper, I don't constantly refer to King Brown as a Libtard. I usually go with the more narrow and well defined term, ANTI-GUN TROLL. My opinion of him is based upon his own anti-gun rhetoric. He is no better than termites in a wooden house. No friend to U.S. gun owners, and I can only imagine how his fellow Canadians would feel if he posted similar crap on the Canadian Gun Nutz forum. They'd probably beat him like a baby seal.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.