Many years ago, (40)while living/working in New England, I went deer hunting with local co-workers. Their "deer camp norm" was to drink heavily every night in the cabin, and play cards to 1 a.m. No women were involved, but heavy hangovers the next morning.

At our office in Boston, our small group of hunters had to "keep secret" that we were hunters and gun-owners. The secretarial staff were all very liberal women that were rabidly anti-gun and anti-hunting. If they knew we were hunters, we would have been ostracized and had to do our own copies, letters, filing, etc. We hunters went out to lunch together to secretly plan our hunting trips. It felt "James Bond-ish."

After I moved back to Missouri, I never again saw heavy drinking in deer camp; and the administrative staff I worked with all had hunting husbands that drove pickup trucks.
