Right Libtard Dr. Wanker, I know exactly what you meant. And it was a lot of outraged militant Christians, and Jews, and others who joined our all volunteer military knowing there was a good chance they would be called upon to fight Radical Islamic extremism. And they were doing a bang-up job in spite of Obama reducing the number of troops in the Surge, and Liberal Left Rules of Engagement that tied their hands and prevented them from getting the job done quickly and efficiently.

I notice in the other thread how you ignored the common reality of the gains gun owners had the last time Conservatives controlled the WH and Congress, and also ignored the threats we faced since your boy Obama was elected in 2008. Talk about being delusional.

It must be quite a blow to your inflated ego to realize that you aren't near as bright as you think you are. Not even close. In fact, you put the Tard in Libtard. Allow me to grade your performance. F- as in FUDD.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.