Rob hit the nail on the head, as far as I'm concerned. I don't buddy up with men who cheat on their wives any other time. Why on earth would I want to go off on a hunting trip with that kind of man?

I was off on a duck hunting trip just last week with three other men, each of whom are what I consider to be loving husbands and Godly men. When I returned I told my wife what a pleasure it was to be in th company of honest, moral men whose sole reason for being there was to chase ducks.

I have been to Argentina in the company of 17 other men and there was not one hint of infidelity on the part of any one of them during the entire trip. Several kinda wanted to have a young woman give them a massage after supper, but would not do so because they would not want their wives wonder about them.


May God bless America and those who defend her.