Thank you all for your very valuable insights.

Guess I owe a little explanation. The magazine issue for which the column is intended is how do others see us hunters, and I'm going to take on the problem described for a variety of reasons. To be honest, I hold very liberal views on sex, but I can't understand how people can sacrifice the very limited opportunities to hunt for something like that, and it's really damaging to the image of hunting imo. Finally, I have a few personal grudges, as I really don't like it when I arrive with my wife and children at a hunting or fishing lodge and see the residents of the next cabin call in a carload of questionable females. I'd really like to have hunting in Russia perceived as a family affair, and while I don't think a couple of columns could change that, I'm sure gonna try.

Last edited by Humpty Dumpty; 09/23/16 01:14 PM.