Originally Posted By: canvasback
....Absent a hierarchical structure, the problem seems to be largely how to tell, at the mosque level, the good imans from the bad....

....So until we have vetted every single practicing iman at every single mosque in NA, and until all those mosques speak relatively as one in condemning violence against non Muslims, against women, against children and against each other, until they accept and find a way to co-exist within our legal structure and as contributors to NA society....

I think there're basically two ways to tell good from bad imams. First, I think the 'intel' has already figured it out, the question is admitting who the bad eggs are that are supposed to be responsible for enforcing existing law. And second, from the congregation's point of view, if the imam hasn't been run off, then they're 'right'. If an imam is overthrown by some law enforcement micro aggression, then the vacuum is filled with similar 'righteousness' by the patrons.

If you read your 'condemnation' criterion, take a look at what's missing. In NA, maybe we should be profiling military aged males. When it comes to humanitarian relief, maybe we should be helping the victims, women and children, not military aged males.

Patriotic US citizens are regularly called on to defend US values on foreign battlefields. Excluding military aged males, those seeking NA values assimilation, would incentivize them to ply their trade for the US' interest in radicalized imam infested areas with colonial ambitions. Of course, that also covers the military aged males that don't want to assimilate. Times they are a changing though, there's indication that there may be a developing class of military aged females.