No sarcasm and no lulling. Trump is winning the election.

Reader/viewer polls on who won the debate, which really are reporting the views of decided voters, are solidly in favour of Trump. If you consider a sample base of over 2 million to be sufficiently large enough to get a read. And those results are from media organizations that include Time, Fortune, CBS, MSNBC, Slate and other classic MSM outlets.

Navel gazing by the media about who won is meaningless. The only impact the media may have, like when they attacked Al Gore about the sighs, is if they can pour through the tapes of the debate and find something meaningless they can take out of context and pound to death over the next five weeks.

In a world where the masses see all politicians as liars (Trey Goudy is the exception) no one cares that Trump is a bullshit artist. They are all bullshit artists. The media hasn't quite figured this out yet. We discount Trumps lying because they all lie. So let's move onto the possible benifits of a Trump presidency.

I have more to say on this subject but not now. This is Ted's thread and I don't want to highjack it. Lol

Last edited by canvasback; 09/27/16 10:49 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia