I just got back from boarding up the family beach house in Cherry Grove, SC. We can see NC from our deck just beyond the Little River Inlet. The hurricane is looking like a near miss or hit. I'll just have to wait it out.
I chained our small boat to a tree with lots of slack and the drain plug out. 25' fishing boat got trailered to Asheboro. My truck is full of things that wouldn't like a salt water bath.
I checked our seawall at high tide Wednesday. The yard is 2 ft above sea level. The storm surge is expected to be 3-6 ft. If it get to 10-12 ft, the house becomes a boat. All electrical breakers to the bottom of the house are open in case of flooding.
The thing that gets me is that there were very few people doing anything to prep. Boats are left out on floating docks, boats sitting on trailers in driveways, very few homes boarded. I guess our neighbors are in for an education. I served on submarines. We always said when prepping for sea, "It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it a not have it." I treat storm prep the same way. It's better to waste my time protecting what I can than to do nothing and wait until it is too late.

Back in Charlotte (Till Sunday)