Yeah, the 20g BSS. Just tossing it around. Nothing set in concrete. I cancelled my $4k fully loaded RBL earlier and elected to pick up this additional 20g BSS in strght stk 26"bbls (I have a PG 28"/20g already). It's right at 6lbs 8oz and handles nice, but is a bit forward balanced. BSS guns have fairly thick barrels or at least all mine have. So, it was thought to lighten them and I also recall a thread a while back where someone had done some overbore comparisions on the 20g and found good results. I have found the BSS guns to be of excellent machining and well above average for hardness and wear of the components. So, I'm giving some thought to a customized 20g quail gun to supplant the RBL.

You're probably right about any conclusive evidence on pattern improvement across the board, but even if it was an improvement with only a handfull of my commonly used loads, I may consider it.