Originally Posted By: King Brown
....It's interesting to me that when I posted earlier that members indicated the probable outcome there was no blowback during the most-fevered election ever.

Probably because they knew, as I did, that a person wanting to be president of a great country can't insult key demographics and not be punished....

As first gal, hill called young black males, super predators. This around the same time that her hubby was rewriting wh sop on sexual predation of subordinates. Well before that, practicing attorney hill is caught in a 'locker room conversation', joking and laughing about her faith in polygraphs. The brutal rapist of a twelve year old had just passed with flying colors.

Quick question, I know kids can't vote, are blacks and women key demographics? No, I'm not referring to the snowdenesque admission that she was aware of the, clinton epstein 26 flights. Good thing you ain't Catholic or an Evangelical Christian, eh?