Well, gee, Eightbore....thanks for the sympathy, I guess.

I sure didn't mean to sound like I was wallowing in self-pity; I was just sharing a chuckle at my (considerable) expense. I guess I won't share an accounting of all the other mods I wasted $$$$ on.

FWIW, I don't think overbored barrels are any more prone to blow-ups than any other barrels...."inattentive shooters" are the culprits in every case I know where a cause can be identified. A nice set of unaltered Perazzi barrels opened up at my club just last week.

Just this week a good friend had a blooper, knew he had a stuck wad, but couldn't open the bolt. He had to disassemble the gun to get the fired case out. After dicking around for 5 minutes, he removed the empty and reassembled it and was about to load it when he remembered what started the whole mess....there was stil a wad in the barrel.