Hi Jim, Longtime no hear from.

Money? me? You have me confused with some rich guy. Weren't you the guy with the pricey 28g Super?

Deactivating the A-safety is a cinch with a BSS. My recollection was that you simply flip the rod that connects the toplever to the safety. There's a collar on the rod that catches the safety and pushes it back. If the rod is flipped, the collar is no longer in a position to catch the safety. You get to keep all the parts in the gun for future reactivation if someone wants to have it.

As for the double triggers, I'll probably leave this one as a single trigger. Most second shots where I hunt quail require the shot so quickly that I've found I'm not quite fast/smooth enough with a DT gun, but a ST allows me to get a well placed second shot. Don't get me wrong, I still love to hunt my DT guns there, but usually don't get a well placed second shot with them. In fact, that gussied up .410 Nitro is a DT gun and it's rapidly becoming one of my favorite guns for quail.

I'm kinda looking at the backboring as an alternative to re-striking the barrels to lighten them. I dunno, just tossing it around.