Originally Posted By: nca225
Some would argue that threatening to use the executive branch of the government to jail one's political opponent's shows an even higher disregard for the US constitution.

Yes, a complete idiot (Libtard) would make such an argument by refusing to consider that Hillary broke the law by keeping highly classified secrets on an unsecured personal server, and by destroying evidence by using BleachBit to erase e-mails, and smashing Blackberries with a hammer to destroy evidence after a Congressional subpoena had been served on her. Influence peddling by the Clinton Foundation is just more criminal activity that should be investigated by a Special Prosecutor, along with Obstruction of Justice, Tampering with Evidence, and Lying Under Oath.

If Donald Trump really did break the law, I think any sane person would demand that he be punished for his crime, and jailed. It is not a disregard for the Constitution to demand that the law be followed. It is a disregard for the Constitution to ask that anyone, no matter who or what their position, should be above the law.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.