Originally Posted By: nca225
Some would argue that threatening to use the executive branch of the government to jail one's political opponent's shows an even higher disregard for the US constitution.

It's quite instructive that you are able to recognize Trump's transgressions, as inconsequential as they are to date. Goodness, he said bad words and behaved like a juvenile teenager showing off to Billy Bush. How evil. What a cad!

Yet you deny what is plain to any and all but the most partisan among us......Hillary's remarkable series of lies and coverups regarding her emails. Never mind the question of WHY she is so desperate to keep those emails from both the public and the authorities.

To suggest there has been an even handed assessment by law enforcement of her actions is really to encourage that what you seem to fear most of a Trump presidency...the debasement of the office by a self serving individual. The use of presidential authority for partisan and personal gain. Obama and Clinton make Richard Nixon look small time.

I won't argue that Trump is the perfect candidate, or even a good one. But Clinton is undoubtedly a liar of staggering proportions, given to secrecy when secrecy isn't required and on record as being dismissive of the very people who support her.

I really wonder about what goes on inside the heads of her supporters.....what new horrific behavior from her would allow you to take the blinders off. Quite remarkable.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia