Originally Posted By: nca225
Originally Posted By: canvasback

I won't argue that Trump is the perfect candidate, or even a good one. But Clinton is undoubtedly a liar of staggering proportions, given to secrecy when secrecy isn't required and on record as being dismissive of the very people who support her.

I really wonder about what goes on inside the heads of her supporters.....what new horrific behavior from her would allow you to take the blinders off. Quite remarkable.

Another conclusion you hold to that is based off of a demonstrably false premise.


And as for what goes on in our heads? The sky is the limit when you don't form conclusions from demonstrable false premises!

What you continually miss and what to me is the most important aspect of both their lies is this: What is the lie about?

Trump boasts excessively, minimizes embarrassing and stupid behavior and campaigns like a normal politician, lying and exaggerating about what he can actually accomplish if elected.

Hillary Clinton lies about felonious activities while Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton lies about influence for sale while Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton lies about the circumstances when as Secretary of State her choices cost four brave and loyal Americans their lives.

But for you, Trump's the bad guy. Like I said before, remarkable.

Last edited by canvasback; 10/16/16 09:41 AM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia