Originally Posted By: WildCattle
I have been on a roll with Rieger.

The Legion of Honor files have shown that:
Louis Henri Rieger was born on 2/25/1841 at 1AM from Jacques Rieger, age 26, knife maker and his wife Zoe Viron, age 20, in the town of Houdan (Yvelines, France).
He had a sister and a brother.
He was not drafted while in Houdan.
He had at least a son Gaston Rieger and a daughter married to a Henri Giot.
He was a Director of the "Maison Lefaucheux" in 1862 and associate from 1862 to 1870.
On 12/7/1866, he lost his right eye in an accident while experimenting on a Chassepot rifle. (I guess the barrel bolt failed!)
Nominated Knight of the L of H on 12/29/1882.
Promoted to officer of the L of H on 10/20/1911.

In 1911 he was head of the "Etablissements reunis de l'arquebuserie francaise" "Maison Lefaucheux, Beringer, Rochatte, Bertin, Jourich & Nouvelle".
He was at his death the vice president of the French gunmaker's association.
His wife Emilie Douville passed before 1913.
He passed age 71, at his home of 37, rue de Vivienne on 2/17/1913. He is buried at the Pere-Lachaise Cemetery.

Best regards,

Anyone ever seen such or can date it:



