I fear I am quickly leaving the classification of "youth" but for me it has always been the classics and the history. I credit that largely to two things: First: growing up in Pennsylvania, where the hunting culture is or was unique to anywhere else I have ever seen. People who never owned a piece of camouflage or a pick-up truck still had family deer camp "up north" and made the annual homage for Deer camp, and secondly Pennsylvania Game News magazine. I read them at Grandpap's and picked them up from the elementary school library. It is a great publication and a serious "kudos" the PA game commission for what they created and achieved there. I still donate a subscription somewhere every time I renew mine--- but good on the Game Commission- when I try to send them to schools they say they already provide them free! My kids will have free access to all my Game NEWs and DGJ and the best, socks, boots, and gloves I can get them!

It a goofy picture of me... but it's my little girl I am proud of!