Originally Posted By: Ken61
The Clinton's can be pardoned without charges being brought. It'll be interesting, as a pardon would accompany a presumption of guilt. This would effectively end her political career. They may "roll the dice" in order to try to save her political aspirations.

The Foundation needs to be investigated, so as to prevent this type of corruption in the future.

He's done something like more pardons that the last four or five Presidents combined, I'd doubt there's much question. Hasn't the wh grabbed a bunch of the emails away from Congress and the freedom of info watchdogs. I think the pedophile bust showed barry was emailing state dept biz knowingly under a pseudonym. A real legacy builder that he'll take advantage of the race card yet again to brush it under the rug.

I would guess that a few hastily drummed up allegations will come out about the foundation, and then barry can include it under a blanket pardon. hill would probably have to take it because I doubt bo's bs could reach that far out of gov, once his pardon rubber stamp gets confiscated.

I hope Trump n-bo discussed this at their meeting, 'for the good of the nation', and considerations for the incoming administration. hill's a two time loser and will likely be 'encouraged' to close the foundation. What good would it be with no pay for players, I mean 'donors', yet open to investigation. I think Trump's wrong, there's probably a town or two who elect her dog catcher. There's always the lecture circuit, at a reduced fee, for her most favorite charity, hill.