I shoot 1890's Blanch shotguns only. I have never had one break down in a day's shooting and I guess I have spread about 10k cartridges between about 4 guns over the last 10 years.
Sure, they have gone out of wack, occasionally shot a bit loose, ejectors have had a hissy-fit etc etc but I have never had to use my spare gun (which I always take!).
Today, I shot a 44/50 on sporting with an 1880's Blanch SLE and beat all the OU's in my group. Joy!
Just get out there and use the old gal. She'll love you for it even if she breaks herself doing it.
(Okay, I have a nice workshop and the modest abilities to fix 'em but I would still shoot them even if I didn't.)
They are like a much loved dog or horse, they give and give.

Last edited by Toby Barclay; 11/13/16 03:54 PM.