Curses, foiled again.

I was that Red Under The Bed.

In 1964 (seems like yesterday cool ) I voted Communist in the General Election that brought Mr Wilsons first labour government to office.

I was working in Glasgow at the time which was a deeply corrupt and parochial Labour stronghold with no credible opposition. The was however a rather engaging and charismatic Communist standing, Jimmy Reid. No way was I going to vote for Yer Darling 'Arold, so I ticked the box for the Kremlins man.

Regrettably but predictably, Jimmy got buried in the usual and equally predictable Labour landslide. He went on to become an authentic voice of the aspirant working class, something few of the politicians of that time ever managed.

So there we are Lads .... 'tis me the Hon Gent. refers to.


Last edited by eugene molloy; 11/23/16 05:38 PM.

Thank you, very kind. Mine's a pint