RWTF are you reading all post from 2006 forward? Bringing up this one seems odd unless you feel strongly about the issue. I clearly remember 40 plus years ago all the experts were giving us clear warnings of global cooling and a possible mini ice age in our near future. Didn't happen.

Now it's global warming or to be more PC climate change. Is Climate Change a long term explanation for weather change which occurs constantly? To me predicting global warming off of a few years data is like predicting the next five cards dealt in a deck of cards based on what turned up in the last five. Highly speculative, perhaps right, perhaps half right or perhaps totally wrong. We just finished the 50 wettest years in the Southwest in nearly a thousand years. Using that short data sample climate experts could predict the same or more likely ever increasing rainfall. Did not happen. Predicting the future based on past events does not work in stocks, elections or weather.

Like the Sun burning out I no longer worry about global warming. Nothing goes in one direction for ever. Don't forget southern Canada was one a semi tropical climate and life survived that. Short term things might be a problem for some but long term we will be fine.