Oh yeah...I remember those...the thought of selling them is seared into my brain as if by a cattle branding iron...

The one and only Newton Leverbolt...From Bill Brophy...to Bruce Jennings...it went by for $1100, I didn't make $1...in fact I lost money in long distance telephone charges...when Bruce died, I heard it was for sale for $100,000...I don't know if that's what Mrs. J ultimately got for it, but I think this level of brain damage will be hard beat by any future posters...Elwood was green with envy, as he was a BIG Newton (Flues) collector like the rest of us...sorry they are all gone, and I miss them all...not a shark in the lot
a caplock Lefever over under...I sold it at the Alexander gunshow to one of Jerry Swinneys friends for $550 or $600
only the highest grade (known) Sedgley turnbolt. It was a Mauser actioned 7x57, lavishly engraved by Kornbrath, with exibition wood...sold it to another NYS Arms Collector member for $1500
A fully engraved, boquet & scroll, circassian stocked, Darne, marked "L. Fraunstaufer, Mannheim" for $550...Tony Galazan stopped me at the Cleveland OGCA gunshow and asked if he could see the gun...he didn't know that I knew who he was...I would have sold it to him on the spot if it wasn't for what he said to me...as I handed him the gun, he said/asked "is it a foriegn gun?"...I think the only reason I didn't address his shark behavior, is because I was foolishly interested in seeing if his character would sink any lower...I refused to talk "turkey" and moved on with my gun...

John, you don't happen to live west of Toronto do you? If so, I've got something to tell you...there are some great guns sleeping around that area...it's too difficult for me to buy them and bring them across the Peace Bridge unless they are pre- 1898...