Originally Posted By: J.R.B.
"Not yet pilgrim"...
The Boss barked...
Waking me up..
My head hurt...
Last night lingers...
As it should
Was it real?
Or just smoke
From the Boss...
His bad temper...
led her astray...
into the arms...
of unseen chair...
which utterly collapsed...
Knocking me out..
of serious contention...
but fear not...
her estranged husband...
a jealous philatelist..
Came with tweezers...
and straight razors...
to gun fight....
but totally unprepared...
His razor flashed...
His chest bloomed...
like a rose...
Shave, haircut, 2-bits...
That fits, Burma-Shave...
There was blood...
But no styptic...
Meanwhile, back at...
the ranch, they...
partied with abandon...
and toasted his...
ham on rye...
Hold the Mayo...
Clinic doctor hostage...
and force him...
to accept Medicare