Originally Posted By: James M
Barack Obama said in an interview with CNN yesterday that he was very disappointed that during his two terms in office he utterly failed to gut the natural human right to armed self defense. - Bob Owens


... Thanks in large part to this failed fear-mongering conspiracy, the number of licensed concealed carriers in the United States has surged to 15 million. That’s a surge of 9 million new concealed carriers since 2010.

Thanks, Obama!

In addition to invigorating the handgun market, Obama’s threats against what he considers “assault weapons” have driven the public to make the AR-15 family of firearms the best-selling rifle in the United States, year after year. Civilians are estimated to own more than ten million of these easy-to-use “modern muskets” thanks to the President’s attempt to demonize them. Purchasers have come to discover that the rifle is actually more of an open-source platform than just a fixed gun, and many people have found a great deal of joy building these rifles from scratch or customizing them to fit their needs as trainers, self-defense carbines, precision competition rifles, sporting rifles, hunting rifles, and all-purpose plinkers in calibers ranging from the tiny .22LR up through the thumping .50 Beowulf.

Barack Obama didn’t just spectacularly fail in his bid to gut the Second Amendment, he actually served as a catalyst that led to the fastest, widest, and deepest spread of gun culture ever documented in American history.

Raise a glass in celebration, Mr. President. You completely FAILED!

Sadly like his predecessors he has chosen bankers and Wall Street tycoons over working Americans. The American dream is dead. Now 50% of young people can expect to make less than their parents. This is especially if they live in Red States of MidWest. We have more pressing problems than this, buddy.