Originally Posted By: pooch
I have heard some really sophomoric rants from "Quebecians", but have also had a very dear friend from Quebec. One must be careful painting with a broad brush.

In spite of what I say I do like Canada, but I have frozen my ass off up there. One of the things I don't understand is why Canadians essentially close down Niagara Falls in January. I think the falls are the most beautiful when the ice and snow is every where

Pooch, I find myself in the same position, but not just with Quebeckers. While I can generalize with the best of them, in my personal life, I try to judge each man on his own merits and I am a bit oblivious to colour or creed. I find when I do that I'm less likely to be wrong about THAT man.

As far as Niagara goes, it's a tourist town and they are just responding to demand. I used to travel there about 4 times a year to see some clients....every time I'd go look at the Falls, especially in winter. Find myself awed every time. Besides, it's nicer when the crowds aren't there.

The Falls are a bit like when I lived in Banff for 3 1/2 years. Absolutely delighted to walk out my door each day, winter or summer and see the magnificent beauty of where I was living. It NEVER got old for me and neither do the Falls!

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia