There's huge leap from "regretting not being able to pass ANY strengthened gun control measure ", which is what I think he said, and regretting not gutting the second amendment. Right wing hysteria that lingers every time another mass murder with guns occurs has definitely played directly into the hands of the firearm industry, and they've taken it to the bank at everybody's expense. There has always been "a line" between what is legal for the private citizen to possess and what is not. Years after Reagan was shot and multiple mass murders occurred with military style assault weapons, the country moved that line with the Asault Weapons Ban, endorsed by Former Presidents Carter, Ford, and Reagan, and 77 % of Americans, in 1994. When the bill sunsetted in 2004, the firearms industry has made every effort to blur any possibility of redrawing that line by producing assault weapons in multiple standard hunting calibers and "hunting" platforms. Ask any law enforcement officer anywhere whether he'd like the general public to possess assault weapons? We can't legally have grenades,RPG's yada, yada, yada , do we really need a military style assault weapon to protect our families, or shoot a coyote killing our chickens? I understand there's no way to put the rabbit back in the hat, count my handful of old doubles and rifles as family heirlooms, and cherish the privilege of carrying them afield on public lands, and have for over 40 years, but this country has gone a little nuts over all this, in my opinion. Good hunting, and hope you all have a great holiday season!

Last edited by ajjar; 12/17/16 04:16 PM.