Hey ajjar, could you please tell us what is responsible for the deaths of more Americans... blunt instruments, hands and fists, or so-called assault style rifles?

Thanks for attempt to propagate false statistics on the number of Americans who want those semi-automatic rifles banned. The 77% obviously wasn't true then, and the 90% figure that was bandied about during this past election cycle isn't true now. If it was, anti-gun politicians would be winning big, and running on their actual beliefs instead of always attempting to persuade voters that they are pro-2nd Amendment and only want some "sensible" or "common sense" restrictions on criminals. Strangely, however, those "sensible restrictions" always seem to burden and infringe upon the rights of law abiding citizens more than they hurt the criminals. The windfall the firearms industry experienced was not due to any deceptive marketing on their part. The public demanded their product because they saw the actual threats that were being put forth by anti-gunners like the Clinton's and Barack Hussein Obama. While you are digging for more false statistics and data, maybe you should take a gander at the Haynes vs. the U.S. Supreme Court ruling which held that convicted criminals are not required to incriminate themselves by complying with any sort of gun registration or legal transfer scheme that would flag them as being in violation of federal and state laws.

Take your bullshit somewhere else. It ain't going to fly here. But you do sound a lot like King Brown posting under a pseudonym... Did you happen to have a very abbreviated career as a field reporter for the CBC, and a false sense of your importance and influence?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.