I have a 16 ga AYA Model 53 SLE with 28" barrels made in 1996 which I bought used 10 years later. At 6'8" and dimensions that fit me perfectly, it has become my regular wild bird gun. Ruffs, Bobs and Roosters: change the Brileys and the shells and away we go. It will be the last gun I sell.

I believe the 53 and 56 preceded the development of the 1 and 2s as their game and target guns respectively. Both have all the features Kenney mentioned plus gold washed locks, articulated front triggers and disc set strikers. With the advent of the Model 2, they remain a custom only gun. Mine has a Holland style self opener. They are more stout than the 2s but not as heavy as the target 56.

If you can find a nice one that fits you there is no better value in a modern SxS.