How about stuff that you traded for a gun?

My grandfather and I had spent a couple of summers repairing old barns and boathouses on an older area lake when I was a early teenager. I collected baits from the ealry 1900's at this time. Together we found a lot of baits while doing this and I had a wall in my bedroom covered in glass eyed baits, many with the original tin boxes that they came in. Even had a Mason (jar company) glass jar minnow trap that is extremely rare.

Anyway, when I turned 15, I wanted to get some other gun to hunt with than the hand me down Model 12 20 ga. that I had (teenagers are dumb). I really wanted a Remington 870 Wingmaster Magnum to duck hunt with. I found one that was used from a local and I was about 100 bucks short. So, off to think about how to come up with the money.

There was a fishing lurer dealer I knew and I showed him my bait collection. I asked him to make me an offer and he refused to tell me a number. Just kept asking what I wanted. Finally, I said $2 each for the approximately 90 lures and other items. He said he would do $120 for everything. Stupidly, I took it as I wanted that 870 badly. Went to the person's house and bought the gun within an hour.

Still have the 870. Took it to college with me. Took deer, ducks, geese, rabbits, phesants, quail, woodcock and other assorted animals with that gun. Still, I wish I had the lure collection back. It was worth several hundred then and well over a thousand today.