Jagermeister is clearly an anti-Semitic idiot in addition to being an obvious troll who frequents this site even though he does not own any double guns.

Jagermeister has shown us his anti-Jewish sentiment many times before in the old Misfires forum. He also frequently defended radical Islam and their Jihad on the West. His remarks here are typical of the complaints made by Hamas and the Palestinians who have launched literally tens of thousands of rockets and terrorist attacks from Gaza and the occupied territories. The terrorists loudly claim that Israel is in violation of Geneva Convention Section III Articles 48 & 49, but they want the world to forget that Israel is not in violation because it has the same right to self defense as any other nation on earth under these modern rules of engagement. They want the world to believe that their incessant attacks are merely a response to Israel's occupation and building of settlements, but want us all to forget the surprise 1967 attack that came within days of defeating and destroying Israel.

I hope everyone except our anti-gun trolls had a nice Christmas and Hannukah.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.