Ted, he wanted to if he was like my father. My dad did not or could not make time for many things with his sons. Mine worked 60 plus hours a week, near or over a hundred during peak planting or harvest times or later every week when he started his mechanical construction company. When younger I did not understand his drive to work, work, work. It was all he knew I thought. To be fair dad did take a day to hunt with family around the holidays. He even came to my baseball and football games without my knowledge.

I was stunned when he mentioned me striking out the last seven batters in one of my hitters I pitched in high school. He saw the last four innings and I never knew it. I think a lot of our dads took silent, quiet pleasure in our growing up. My generation was more vocal in kids events and the next one almost thinks it is part of the team. Times have changed I guess. Enjoy your .22's and tell you son about his grandfather while you use them up.