The gun illustrated here has a lot of similarities with my Beretta sxs but the main difference is the cross bolt (which mine does not have). I did a pattern test yesterday and was amazed at how little kick there was for such a light field gun. I'm used to getting hammered by my father's old BELGIUM or my grandfathers Jeffrey. They are both double triggered so I can't use them anymore because I damaged my trigger finger with a table saw and can only fire a single triggered gun.
Are we any closer to a fairly accurate identification? My reasons for wanting to know are #1 - curiosity and #2 - possibly looking for a second set of barrels for skeet.
Again; I want to thank all you folks for all your help and expert advice & have a Happy, healthy & prosperous New Year!
Cheers; Twogone

Some folks use statistics like a drunkard uses a lamp post; for support rather than illumination.