Originally Posted By: skeettx
I once had a Beretta S55BV with duck barrels (Silver Snipe)
I wanted skeet barrels so I sent a letter to Beretta
and gave them the serial number and model and said I wanted
a set of skeet barrels. I asked what I needed to do. They said
send money and an address they already had the specs for my shotgun.
I was in the country of Turkey but rotating home so I sent the money and a stateside address, in a few months here they came
and fit right on. go figure.

This was in 1979.


DO you still have the gun? That sounds like a winner. My Silver Snipe, plain as vanilla ice cream, is one of my favorites. 26" barrels, Mod and Imp Mod chokes. Great pheasant gun.

You ever decide to part company with that one, remember me. I'd be interested.

Shoot it in good health. Happy New Year.
