Could you please furnish me with the original dimensions please? Also I would require the current dimensions to promolgate the actual amount of metal removed, also it would be useful if you knew what the actual barrel material is because this obviously affects the specific density and metallurgical make up.No problem if this is not to hand as I am not too far from Sheffield which used to be the steel industry capital and no doubt I can find the information from their reference library.If that draws a blank I have a friend who was a representative for Bohler steels in Austria before they went tits up due to the burgeoning Chinese economy, which incidentally is funded by Brits & Yanks who have moved their businesses out there due to Union interference and the ever shortening working week, which in Germany as become a major problem as they seem to have a religious festival which takes place nearly every week on a Friday which means that the workforce is usually intoxicated all weekend running into the following week with sickness before running into the following weeks festival, which may not be as bad as France who have a complete shut down in August.If you could let me have those dimensions I would appreciate it.Failing that if you post me your address I could come over and stay with you for a month and we could do the calculations hands on, which would probably be a better idea anyway. So I will just go and pack a flight bag and await your reply. I don't have a problem with a visa because when I went to the American Embassy and spoke to the lady their she transferred me to another man in fact I was transferred a lot but they gave me a visa very quickly and waved me goodbye . I will see you later, I'll ring from the airport when I touch down. Don't worry if it takes a long time to come and collect me, I'll find someone to talk to.Bye.