Originally Posted By: treblig1958
Density of the pattern at greater distances. And few have enough discipline to not shoot when everyone with a 12 gauge is shooting.

Testing of a 16 gauge showed that it will print a denser pattern at 40 yards then a 20 gauge 3 inch at 30 yards. They're not even in the same league as a 12 gauge at distances beyond.

The 3" 20 has taken its share of knocks for a long time. But guys I respect--including a writer who's never been a fan of 20ga mags--tell me they're a lot better now than they used to be. And pretty obviously, in the case of steel shot (where there's basically zero pellet deformation), you're guaranteed to get a denser pattern with a 3" 20ga than you are a 16 at any range. Reason: The 3" 20 carries a heavier shot charge.