Originally Posted By: King Brown
There may be unforeseen consequences of his hostile take-over of the party. With no specific prescriptions, we'll just have to wait and see.

"Hostile Take-Over"? Comrade Sralin, I've been eagerly anticipating what type of backhand slur and insult you've been contemplating for our new President. I see you're not only taking the " evil capitalism" bent, but asserting the "fake news" (propaganda) pap of "no specific prescription", or that President Trump didn't run on specific issues. Nothing like the absurd opinion of a Commie Foreigner trying to assert his typical sociopathic, statist, religious,demonization claptrap and mumbo-jumbo. Listen to his speech? I imagine you sitting there with your defibrillator set on auto, just in case. If not now, I have no doubt you'll need it before long. Please keep it coming, no matter how many times you float to the top of our American Punchbowl, I'll happily be here to flush you back down where you belong.

Last edited by Ken61; 01/20/17 05:43 PM.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.